
lic. Agnieszka Szafarska

The aim of the article was to describe the elements that are crucial in building employee engagement in the workplace. The concept of engagement is a general one and may be variously defined. J. Mayer and N. Allen distinguish three types of engagement: affective, continuance and normative engagement. A key role in the organization is played by affective engagement, where the employee not only identifies with the company and its values but also is more efficient, creative and innovative. Emotional/affective engagement constitutes the highest value in the company. The most important factors that have an impact on the development of employee engagement include employee participation – opportunities to share their creative ideas or suggestions. Equally important is the organization’s consent for employees to define their work and its ability to offer working conditions that contribute to employee satisfaction. Building engagement also involves providing appropriate career development paths that will expand the employees’ skills and competences. The manager has a fundamental role in developing employee engagement and he/she should care about good relationships with employees. The manager’s role is also to express appreciation, implement the employees’ new ideas for improving organization and to provide feedback after each project is completed.

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