Current Issue

Zeszyt Naukowy (64)

Edition: 2023
Articles count: 5

The new issue of the Scientific Journal of the School of Banking and Management contains articles which are the result of scientific cooperation between academic teachers and students, as well the articles prepared by students that were presented during the 5th Student Scientific Session of WSZiB, which took place on June 2nd, 2023.


lic. Agnieszka Szafarska

The aim of the article was to describe the elements that are crucial in building employee engagement in the workplace. The concept of engagement is a general one and may be variously defined. J. Mayer and N. Allen distinguish three types of engagement: affective, continuance and normative engagement. A key role in the organization is played by affective engagement, where the employee not only identifies with the company and its values but also is more efficient, creative and innovative. Emotional/affective engagement constitutes the highest value in the company. The most important factors that have an impact on the development of employee engagement include employee participation – opportunities to share their creative ideas or suggestions. Equally important is the organization’s consent for employees to define their work and its ability to offer working conditions that contribute to employee satisfaction. Building engagement also involves providing appropriate career development paths that will expand the employees’ skills and competences. The manager has a fundamental role in developing employee engagement and he/she should care about good relationships with employees. The manager’s role is also to express appreciation, implement the employees’ new ideas for improving organization and to provide feedback after each project is completed.


Dominika Koszany, Martyna Jakubiec

Digitization initiated several changes and many of them are crucial to present-day economy and social life. Social media, digital platforms and striving for innovation are inherent elements of business in the 21st century. The article is focused on the analysis of the latest trends in digitization presenting the concepts and opinions of Alvin Toffler, Klaus Schwab and Don Tapscott. The article also discusses topics related to Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, cloud computing, Big Data, blockchain, cybersecurity, online education and the technologies of virtual reality. In the context of e-commerce, Allegro and Amazon represent slightly different approaches – Allegro concentrates on the Polish market, while Amazon acts globally, investing intensively in artificial intelligence. Nevertheless, both companies take advantage of several similar facilities for their customers and, consequently, they are pioneers in their segments. The role of digitization in logistics is also significant as it improved numerous logistics processes through such aspects as artificial intelligence, data analysis, Internet of Things and cloud computing. The rapid technological development also exerted impact on education. Digitization is also transforming the teaching process as it requires changes both in pedagogical approaches and the infrastructure. Initiatives like STEM, which teach students to think innovatively, collaborate and solve problems creatively, may prove to be the future of learning. Digitization is crucial both in running a business and everyday social life. Technological changes and new solutions may be shocking and difficult to understand for many people but they also bring many benefits. Obviously, the continuous development of technology has become a basic element of functioning in the 20th and 21st centuries. However, it should be closely monitored and improved in terms of safety due to the threats is involves.


mgr Joanna Dreżewska, Kacper Stabryła-Tatko

The article presents the issue of fake news in Poland. It starts with the discussion of the definition of fake news (including the distinction between its types) and the elements of its structure. Then, methods of fighting disinformation are presented and attention is drawn to the issue of defining the boundary between censorship and blockage. Finally, research results are presented on the awareness of false information.


Lisa Mangone, Oliwia Skawska

Promotional campaigns are a crucial element of marketing strategies of companies that want to increase the popularity and sales of their products or services. Brand image development is an important aspect of promotional activities. The Coca-Cola company has been conducting regular promotional activities to develop the perception of the brand on the market The aim of the article is to analyze selected promotional campaigns of the Coca-Cola company and assess their impact on the perception of the Coca-Cola brand.


Natalia Job, Kaceper Stabryła-Tatko

The article presents selected discriminant models. The study on their effectiveness was conducted during the period of four years before declaring the bankruptcy of construction companies (PKG-41). The analyses applied discriminant models from US, Germany, Hungary and Canada. The discussion of the results leads to the conclusion that the use of foreign models is possible in predicting the bankruptcies of Polish construction companies. However, a significant problem of the lack of data in the selected financial statements was noted, which made the use of particular models impossible.

Editorial Office

dr Magdalena Kowalska Musiał – Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie

Management and Computer Science:
dr Artur Figurski – Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie,
dr Paweł Kawa – Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie,
dr Janusz Majewski – Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie

Finance and Accounting:
mgr Zofia Wydymus – Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie,
dr Magdalena-Kowalska Musiał – Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie

Redakcja językowa (j. angielski):
mgr Janusz Szczygieł – Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie

Assistant Editor:
dr Bartosz Banduła – Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie